Operation Nourish with Randall’s Island Park Alliance
The Mission Continues recently launched OPERATION NOURISH – an initiative that prioritizes veterans’ mental health by mobilizing them in service of combating food insecurity.
Our staff volunteered at the service project on Randall’s Island in New York City, working with the Randall’s Island Park Alliance to help them revitalize their urban farm, which has had a decrease in the amount of volunteers that have been able to assist with the upkeep of their farm throughout the pandemic. The food from this urban farm has been provided to numerous food kitchens throughout New York City, helping to feed countless New Yorkers during this time of food insecurity as a result of COVID-19. The service project consisted of composting 300 lbs of food scraps and removing invasive species from the farm by weeding and mulching various parts of the farm over roughly 800 sq ft of farm.
To read more about The Mission Continues’ #OperationNourish, you can read here: https://www.missioncontinues.org/operationnourish/