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Quarterly Service Academy and FourBlock Networking Event

AmeriVet Securities, in partnership with Brighthouse Financial Foundation, hosted our first Service Academy and FourBlock Networking event. The purpose of this networking event was to increase networking within the veteran space in NYC. In addition, FourBlock has been remote for the past year and a half. The past four cohorts and employers have had the chance to meet in person. This event allowed alumni, current participants, and employers to network outside of zoom. The event had over 40 people in attendance. Lastly, catering was order through Milk Kitchen, a veteran-owned co-kitchen space.


FourBlock is a non-profit that assists transitioning service members and veterans prepare to enter the civilian workforce. They accomplish this mission by hosting semester cohorts where the participants go through a career readiness curriculum and are introduced to a new employer weekly. To learn more about FourBlock, please click this link.